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Everything posted by YKJosh

  1. I mean ive play since like szn 3, the community sucks buts its fun for me bc i play w five stacks all the time
  2. My most memorable gaming moment has 100% got to be going against IFrostBolt in trials of osiris and crushing them 5-0 and it was our final match on our trails card for flawless. This was back when trials first dropped in d2. Back in D1 i never really encountered any streamers in trials. BTW no one on are team was cheating, we stomped them fair and square.
  3. If any of you guys play, what do yall think about the new dragons they adding into rift? To game changing or naw?
  4. Thanks bro im just waiting on application response. In the mean time i just been playing overwatch league or minecraft, and the occasional chess game.
  5. Only reason for me is I ran into other people doing it, and its just no fun if you can't compete. If I didn't play against them I wouldn't have a reason to do it myself. I stay legit only if the majority of the community does.
  6. My most played games arguably have to be either Destiny or League of Legends. I probably have the most hours on Destiny, but I stopped playing it some time ago. So right now I probably am creeping up on more hours on league.
  7. I personally use the glorious Model O gaming mouse, the matte black version. I find it to be a great mouse and super comfortable to use.
  8. Forgot to add, I am a full time college student so I do prioritize that over many things, and I'll to be as active as I can on here.
  9. What's up guys my name is Josh, I am new here. You guys will definitely see me around on forums and what not. I used to play eft back in the day, but took a long break. I am getting back into it, and hopefully I can catch you guys in some raids. Other than that I am just trying to get used to navigating the site and all that good stuff. Have a great night or good morning wherever you guys are from. I live in the US, so sending love to you all from America. Peace out!
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