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Posts posted by Feared

  1. 10 hours ago, Cyniic said:

    Modern Warfare 2 for Sure - Sometimes I'd pay almost anything to go back to the days of MW2 with all the same people online and just have one last shit talk at each other for a night while we stayed up way later than we should of.

    mw2 was something different i enjoyed when it forced everyone to go to game chat so everyone is just talking in the lobby

  2. 5 hours ago, machida said:

    I think the 2 games I put the most hours into on release were Battlefield 3 and The Division, both still have somewhat active communities but at their peak were so good.

    it's crazy cause i use to play the divison on console like crazy that became so well known on that game (people still play it) but it's not what it use to be a couple years ago

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