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Everything posted by Kov4H-

  1. As title says, what is your most anticipated game for 2022, doesn't necessarily need to be a game you're wanting to cheat in,it could be a single player or Co-Op game. I was keen for the new STALKER game, but with everyting happening it may not release. RIP
  2. APB was the shit when it came out, it had so much potential to lead the way in gaming, but got absolutely gutted in the end. R.I.P
  3. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but any chance of support for this game? https://store.steampowered.com/app/760160/Vampire_The_Masquerade__Bloodhunt/
  4. Oh, can someone direct me to, or tell me a list of the crypto's currently accepted as payment?
  5. Pray for my soul. G'daycuntsgoin'on? just the average hello in every day australia, say it all in one breath with speed and gusto *add australian accent for flaire* Found elusion on epvpers, always good to hook up with a relatively new provider and look forward to seeing what the devs can do, happy to play with any/all players though ping may be a restrictor, normally can handle NA servers but anything in EU is probably a no go. Normally quite good in shooters however as life goes on, aint NOBODY got time for keeping up your skill across many games, so here we are - ready to stomp the sweatiest of tweens and give them a reality check! LOL. letsgetit.
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