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About mahmuod

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Top 2 games CSGO: +4000 hours on main Apex Legends: Around 2000 hours
  2. i5-10400F CPU 16.0 GB RAM 3 Disks, 2TB each RTX 3090 2 Monitors, First Samsung 60Hz, Second Asus 144Hz
  3. Actually I prefer My name, but why not PUSSY_SLAYER, it's my name all over most of the games I play
  4. Even after not playing this amazing game for a long time I would prefer CSGO over VALORANT
  5. OFF although my keyboard has RGB but always off I don't like it's just way too distracting
  6. Clash of clans spend like 400$ on it stopped playing it 4 years ago, CSGO bought like 40 accounts before it becomes free-to-play, and bad cheeses like aw and other cheap cheeses, and now it's not fun after I got invited to gs so I don't play it anymore, eft wont ever regret playing the game but regret buying the cheeses I am so dumb cuz I bought a lot of cheeses and most of them are garbage, spend like 400$ on eft accounts and around 500$ on cheeses,
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