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Showing most liked content on 10/20/2021 in all areas

  1. I mind as well add this video here from my testimonial. adding to the collection here lol
  2. Elusion.cc EFT Review Security- It has never been detected, been using it for almost two weeks so far. No rage features to get yourself ban quickly. The loader always changes its name and makes a new one for you so you don't have to worry about it being a issue. For me I usually keep all my loaders on a USB and pull it out after injecting to leave nothing on my desktop. Its also stream proof on discord and other streaming software. 10/10 ESP- The esp for players is very clean with new issues with it so far. Love the new loot system esp such as the average market price and the new colors for it. Just waiting for container loot to be out and it will be perfect. There are different colors for AI and regular PMC/Players so its easy for you to determine who you are fighting with which makes things so much better. Everything so far with the great performance of it. 9/10 Aimbot- The aimbot is for more legit play but can be tweaked to make it more ragey. Its highly customizable and you can have a huge fov for it or very small to seem legit. Can change the smoothing and change where you want to hit people such as spin or neck. The aim usually breaks when you have no sway on while loading into raid but that can be fixed by turning it off before and turning it on in raid while aiming. 9/10 Misc- Infinite stamina works great! No issues with it so far and love to run with it on for long periods of time. The no recoil works fantastic with the aimbot if you want to beam kids from far away or close range. Really good for HvH fights. No breath works as usual. No sway seems to be a issue which causes the aimbot to be off, but once thats fixed theres no problem with it. Overall I'll give it a 9.5/10. Here's a little gamer montage I cooked up for y'all
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