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  1. Today
  2. Hello everyone, im planning on purchasing bf2042 cheese, just for esp and super legit play style. Is it working fine? and also, is the cheat external?
  3. Yesterday
  4. Edit: now i got the 60 days but the other 60 missing Hello, hope im in right sectionfor support I bought 2x 2month CS2 and have not received any time on loader after i redeem the activationcode Also i think there is something wrong, i redeem 2 codes ( 2x 2month) and should receive like over 120days but on both there is same expire date See pictures
  5. Last week
  6. Earlier
  7. Do you guys offer VM Support or parcial VM Support? Im on a KVM thats spoofed (I can play EFT, use other providers like Satan5 etc.) and would like to test your BF2042
  8. thre is a problem with the cheat, the esp dont work anymore
  9. hi, the bf2042 cheat is no more working, no esp and aimbot. is there a problem ? update? thanks
  10. Which windows versions are supported for the spoofer ? am i fine on w11 23h2 ?
  11. Create a ticket: https://elusion.cc/board/support Most likely the invoice got underpaid. We highly recommend to use Litecoin instead (for the next time).
  12. Hey there, I didnt see an option to use LiteCoin when i attempted to purchase, only Bitcoin and another wallet to pay. Paid with bitcoin (more than required to cover the minumum BTC transaction amount) and my purchase didnt go through 🥲
  13. @prisonbreak @Yanluo Undetected since release See above Windows 10 and 11 are supported We have customers playing for 500-1000 hours with our cheat like @BlauMan or @userpass which also rage from time to time. Chances for a manual ban are low but they can still happen We dont have any vehicle related features Yes it does
  14. i would also be interested in the answers for these questions
  15. 1) was it ever detected? 2) if it was ever detected, when was the last time it got detected? 3) does it work on windows 10? 4) since im new in battlefield, do we need to watch out for something ingame? Like can you get banned by to many reports or something? or are there any features of the game that can cause an instant ban? 5) is there an option to keep the airplane speed all the time the same? 6) does the aimbot also work in vehicules?
  16. We now also accept Litecoin. I dont know how Binance works but there must be a option to send to a address on the coins specific network.
  17. Hey, na I already have cypto on a platform thats why I want to use that to pay. I am able to transfer it to 'binance'. However, when i go to 'send' on binance the only options are email/phone or Binance ID. How do I do this since Elusion only offers a QR code/address which isnt a binance ID
  18. Hey, I dont know the app you are using. Today, the bitcoin transaction fees are very high so I recommend you to use our exchanger to pay with PayPal or Creditcard. https://elusion.cc/board/exchanger/
  19. Hey all, I currently hold bitcoin in the app 'swyftx'. Could someone please explain to me how I use that to purchase the CS2. Im struggling to find an option that says pay in the app? Cheers
  20. You dont need a spoofer for BF2042. As far as I know they dont really HWID ban. You can use any other spoofer along our product. Just make sure to first log into our loader and then spoof.
  21. will it spoof bf2042 using another chair? or is it exclusive to Elusion chair only?
  22. To buy (not only with google pay but in general) join this discord server and contact the user Razen. https://discord.gg/5vHc6rqBEb
  23. We only have the features that are advertised here. No skin changer is planned.
  24. Undetected and it was never detected. https://elusion.cc/board/cheat-status/
  25. ZoneAlarm


    Our BF2042 cheat works for both EA and Steam.
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