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Posts posted by DuckyQuacksDontEcho

  1. Hello,

    Thought I would leave my review of the menu as I'm very impressed with the service (even after only a few weeks). For starters the menu has rarely ever failed to inject and after resolving some issues relating to memory usage and 'ram cleaning' within EFT; the menu works flawlessly.

    Aimbot - 9/10
    The aimbot setting is great with smoothening, low delay from entity movements and is consistent. Just be sure to set maximum aimbot distance to avoid snapping onto enemies far away and dying in a close range fight.

    ESP - 9/10
    The ESP function is great as all the items are coloured by value and categorized by type. The only downside is you cannot create your own custom lists of items to see but maybe that'll be a new feature in the future! Container ESP is also great when used with a value filter to find expensive containers. Usually I will run multiple presets for ESP so I can quickly 'scan' the map for backpacks which have been dropped or corpses / other items which don't have infinite range visibility. Best to keep items to what you need to limit memory usage.

    Misc - 9/10
    I've used for the most part the 'No sway' option which removes the sway when aiming down sights on a weapon - the only problem I have ran into is entering a raid with this being enabled and having the point of aim being offset for the aimbot meaning it won't line up and you'll miss. Just be sure disable no sway when loading in and then set it up in the beginning of the match. The other options works great and are also clearly indicated as 'risky' so you've all been forewarned.

    Additional notes: The menu is streamer safe if you the obvious settings like no sway / infinite stamina / aim snapping due to aimbot. You can run this with just ESP and no aim hacks and its not visible at all.

    Overall I am impressed with the stability, functionality and flexibility of the menu. The devs do care about their customers and the community was very helpful in getting my settings on point and fixing my technical issue initially. Highly recommended.

  2. Honestly poor kid, been following the kid and hew as reamed a new asshole after the media spread some pretty clear lies or 'factual mistakes'.

    Would like to see him go after the state for the abhorrent trial and receive compensation for the whole ordeal.

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