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Posts posted by Tukoize

  1. So after purchasing the product yesterday and playing with it for a relatively decent time and using all of the features I’d like to give my honest review so far. 

    Player ESP: 
    Good: The player ESP is very crisp, no performance issues, and is very reliable. In my opinion the performance of this is one of the strong suits of this product. It is honestly the best I’ve seen, no stutters, no catching up, reliable. 

    Neutral: Sometimes weapons information doesn’t show on scavs but since we all assume they have guns it’s okay. No player value. For example the scav I killed didn't show his AK-74M.

    Bad: none that I really can think of. Player ESP is, well, player ESP and it does it well. 


    Well, I don’t use it aside from mosin man and honestly I don’t really think you can use it without no recoil. Each gun has its own spray pattern and the aim doesn’t follow the pattern of your reticle and gun, but rather center placement of your screen. I’m not really too sure what to say about this other than if you snipe this is for you. I'm sure it can be improved but otherwise it's not really something you can use with a full auto gun.

    Item ESP: 

    Good: Very simple in terms of configuration. You want this category check it off if you don’t, uncheck it. Has all the valuables and that's what's important.

    Neutral: Remember how I said it's very simple? It suffers from the simplicity of it. No controls over text size, colors, boldness/thickness, everything is the same color, size, etc. I don't mind it personally as I'm mainly PVP concerned which is why I love the player ESP and the performance but it can be annoying for some other people.

    Bad: So trying to look at it from someone who is more "gun n loot" the entire server, this is where IMO this falls short. There is no container ESP, there are only two categories to choose for a filter and that's "uncommon" and "epic" and i dont know what those categories contain, because the only thing I've seen is sugar in uncommon and filter in epic, and it wasn't even the right filter, it was a gas mask filter. Also, magboxes are considered normal loot and not uncommon or epic. What? In my picture you can see what I mean. Also, what happened to armor items or loot? My rig doesn't show up, slicks don't show up at all, and tbh I just can't currently use the item ESP reliably right now. 


    Overall: This has such great promise and I'm going to continue using this as my main product at the moment solely based on how smooth it is with player esp. I really, really would like this product to get better over time and I'll continue submitting my feedback. 👍


  2. Hey y’all. Name is Turkoize. I’m an avid Tarkovsky cheater, 26 years young, mainly do it for the memes and to have fun. From the east coast, enjoy baseball and football (American 🇺🇸). 

    See y’all around 👻

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