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  1. can't wait until they release new maps, and hopefully they're more thought out than the ones we currently have
  2. well he's definitely not a "mass shooter" like some people make him out to be, the prosecution was a joke and ended up aiding Kyle, I bet you there's gonna be defamation lawsuits against some people/organizations
  3. Don't know what the double video is about, just ignore it
  4. So first off I'm gonna say that I've played the game for a while now and despite everything I'm about to say, I still enjoy it. But OMFG do I hate what they've done, I mean REALLY hate. I'm just gonna plop this right here, and please, take a gander - https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qw1mbw/fuck_it_heres_a_list_of_absolutely_everything/ Oh yeah, and this too - and the day 1 patch... ;_; enough said, now here's some memes redditsave.com_updated_beta_trailer-uhw25cf0jas71.mp4 redditsave.com_updated_beta_trailer-uhw25cf0jas71.mp4
  5. Egoo


    My username? kinda just typed in random stuff cause I'm SUPER indecisive, it's a problem
  6. Egoo


    Hello everyone, excited to be apart of the community. I'm from the US & only been cheesing for about half a year now but I cant go back, happy hacking
  7. Egoo


  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3A0ASxTt9Y
  9. Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason Great horror game if you can find a download for it
  10. https://www.gamestop.com/consoles-hardware/desktops-laptops/mice/products/logitech-pro-wireless-gaming-mouse/195013.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkNiMBhCxARIsAIDDKNWJH0-zpISVFKblmvlx-FNQM-WhSXm81GePIBmPJKD9WppQhJ4Tn64aAiMZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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